anatools.annotations.draw module

box_2d(coordinates, bbox_img, width, outline)

Draws 2d boxes around objects given a list of coordinates.

  • coordinates (list) – The list of coordinates.

  • bbox_img (array) – Image in form of a numpy array.

  • width (int) – Desired line thickness for box outline.

  • outline (list) – List of bgr color values for PIL color inputs.


Image in form of a numpy array with 2d boxes around objects.

Return type


box_3d(coordinates, bbox_img, width, fill)

Draws 3d boxes around objects given a list of coordinates.

  • coordinates (list) – The list of coordinates.

  • bbox_img (array) – Image in form of a numpy array.

  • width (int) – Desired line thickness for box outline.

  • fill (list) – List of bgr color values for PIL color inputs.


Image in form of a numpy array with 3d boxes around objects.

Return type


check_lists(actual, expected, name_to_check)

Helper function that checks if one list is in another for validation on draw inputs.

  • actual (list) – The list of actual values found in either annotation or metadata file.

  • expected (list) – The expected list that is provided from the user.

  • name_to_check (str) – Name of parameter to check (either object_id or object_type).


True if lists are matching, False otherwise.

Return type


draw(image_path, out_dir, draw_type='box_2d', object_ids=None, object_types=None, line_thickness=1, colors=None)

This function handles the io and draws the right type of annotation on the image.

  • image_path (str) – Path to of specific image file to draw the boxes for.

  • out_dir (str) – File path to directory where the image should be saved to.

  • draw_type (str) – Draw either a 2d bounding box, 3d bounding box, or segmentation on objects within an image. Must pass in either ‘box_2d’, ‘box_3d’, or ‘segmentation’ for values.

  • object_ids (list[int]) – List of object id’s to annotate. If not provided, all objects will get annotated. Choose either id or type filter.

  • object_types (list[str]) – Filter for the object types to annotate. If not provided, all object types will get annotated. Choose either id or type filter.

  • line_thickness (int) – Desired line thickness for box outline.

  • colors (dict) – Dictionary of colors to use for each object type. Must provide a color for each object type specified in the filter.

segmentation(coordinates, draw_img, width, color)

Draws an outline around objects given a list of coordinates.

  • coordinates (list) – The list of coordinates.

  • draw_img (array) – Image in form of a numpy array.

  • width (int) – Desired line thickness for box outline.

  • fill (list) – List of bgr color values for cv2 color inputs.


Image in form of a numpy array with objects outlined.

Return type
